Predefined Categories

In order to facilitate operation that does not rely on a particular natural language, e.g. English a set of predefined category IDs have been defined. It is possible to define custom categories in the custom category range. Each category is given a range for a set of subcategories. It is possible for an item to belong to several categories at the same time.

Category Ranges

Category Range Category Name Comments
0000-0999 Reserved
1000-1999 Console
2000-2999 Movies
3000-3999 Audio
4000-4999 PC
5000-5999 TV
6000-6999 XXX
7000-7999 Other
8000-99999 Reserved Reserved for future expansion
100000- Custom Site specific category range. Defined in CAPS.

Category List

Categories Category Name
0000 Reserved
1000 Console
1010 Console/NDS
1020 Console/PSP
1030 Console/Wii
1040 Console/XBox
1050 Console/XBox 360
1060 Console/Wiiware
1070 Console/XBox 360 DLC
2000 Movies
2010 Movies/Foreign
2020 Movies/Other
2030 Movies/SD
2040 Movies/HD
2050 Movies/BluRay
2060 Movies/3D
3000 Audio
3010 Audio/MP3
3020 Audio/Video
3030 Audio/Audiobook
3040 Audio/Lossless
4000 PC
4010 PC/0day
4020 PC/ISO
4030 PC/Mac
4040 PC/Mobile-Other
4050 PC/Games
4060 PC/Mobile-iOS
4070 PC/Mobile-Android
5000 TV
5020 TV/Foreign
5030 TV/SD
5040 TV/HD
5050 TV/Other
5060 TV/Sport
6000 XXX
6010 XXX/DVD
6020 XXX/WMV
6030 XXX/XviD
6040 XXX/x264
7000 Other
7010 Misc
7020 EBook
7030 Comics
100000- Custom