Newznab Error Codes

Under normal circumstances i.e. when the HTTP request/response sequence is successfully completed Newznab implementations always respond with HTTP 200 OK. However this doesn't mean that the query was semantically correct. It simply means that the HTTP part of the sequence was successful. One then must check the actual response body/data to see if the request was completed without errors.

In case of a Newznab error the response contains an error code and an a description of the error.

The error codes have been defined into different ranges. 100-199 Account/user credentials specific error codes, 200-299 API call specific error codes, 300-399 content specific error codes and finally 900-999 Other error codes.

Error code Description
100 Incorrect user credentials
101 Account suspended
102 Insufficient privileges/not authorized
103 Registration denied
104 Registrations are closed
105 Invalid registration (Email Address Taken)
106 Invalid registration (Email Address Bad Format)
107 Registration Failed (Data error)
200 Missing parameter
201 Incorrect parameter
202 No such function. (Function not defined in this specification).
203 Function not available. (Optional function is not implemented).
300 No such item.
300 Item already exists.
900 Unknown error
910 API Disabled

Error code example

  1. Query could not be completed because user credentials are broken




    200 OK


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <error code="100" description="Incorrect user credentials"/>